About Us

Our mission is to relentlessly pursue our goals and take whatever actions are necessary to achieve them. We are driven by a fierce determination to succeed and will not let any obstacle stand in our way. We believe that with hard work and a never-give-up attitude, anything is possible.

Our vision is to create a world where individuals and organizations are empowered to pursue their goals with confidence and determination. We believe that by embracing a "no excuses" mentality and always striving for excellence, we can inspire others to do the same. We envision a future where people can break through their limitations and achieve great things, regardless of the challenges they face.

"Unstoppable determination for unstoppable success"

  • June 22, 2020, I came up with ANYTHING DEEMED NECESSARY (ADN). Working a dead-end job with no opportunity, I did what we all do and started filling out one application, two applications, five, then ten. Through filling out applications I noticed they all said: “and any task deemed necessary”. I thought what if I chase my dreams with that same energy?

    ADN is my reminder to pursue dreams and do:


  • Hey, I am James Scott. The owner and founder of ANYTHING DEEMED NECESSARY(ADN). Fitness has always been a constant in my life. Through my happiest and darkest times I've always kept callused hands. My passion for fitness brought me to football. I found success in football achieving one of my life dreams of playing division one football at Towson University. During that time I lost my love for football and found my love for training others.

    I furthered my education with certifications in personal training, group fitness, sports nutrition, and special populations fitness.

    My training style is adaptive. You tell me your goal and I will do whatever I can to help you achieve that goal.